Course dates.
Course dates.
We recommend couples participate in a Calmbirth course anytime between 24 - 34 weeks gestation. This allows the couple plenty of time to prepare, reflect and practice the different tools and techniques discussed during the course.
*I will be constantly monitoring the situation surrounding COVID-19 and the safety of delivering the classes face to face. Please note that I will use my discretion and recommendation from the state government to help make my decision. If I change the class to zoom and this no longer suits your needs, a $25 admin fee will be deducted from your refund. Please feel free to contact me regarding the delivery of each course.
I’ve got many balls in the air currently and I’m not feeling like I’m keeping them all up. I like to do everything I do to the best of my ability, all the time, and therefore the ball I feel I can put down safely at the moment is this one- Babies Ballarat.
It’s a hard ball to place down, as I love it! I love what I’ve built, created and most of all how many beautiful families I’ve had the pleasure of guiding and educating through such a pivotal time of their lives.
This is definitely not goodbye, just more a ‘hit pause’ for a while and see where this crazy world takes me right now. I’m thinking I’ll have more answers in a couple of months!
My own little family are my absolute priority and by taking this time off ‘work’ I hope to be able to enjoy more time with them, doing the ‘fun’ stuff (while still doing all the washing, cleaning, taxi-ing, cooking 🤪!) & continue to support my husband and our main business and income.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information, or queries (especially if you have done Calmbirth with me in the past), I am always here for you!
Otherwise head over to www.calmbirth.com.au to find an educator near to you!
Much love,