Recommended resources.
These resources are a guide only.
Please always seek medical advice/see your health care practitioner if you are concerned.
Birth with confidence (Rhea Dempsey)
Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth (Ina May Gaskin)
Ina May’s guide to Breastfeeding (Ina May Gaskin)
The Birth Map (Catherine Bell)
Beyond the Birth plan (Rhea Dempsey)
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering (Dr. Sarah Buckley)
The Positive Birth Book (Milli Hill)
Becoming Us (Elly Taylor)
Reclaiming Childbirth as a right of passage (Dr Rachel Reed)
Why Induction matters (Dr Rachel Reed)
The First forty days; the essential art of nourishing a new mother (Heng Ou)
The Postnatal Depletion Cure (Dr Oscar Serrallach)
Australian Birth Stories- Mothers giving their first hand experience of birth in Australia.
The Midwives Cauldron - Join us as we hubble, bubble, toil, and trouble our way through aspects of midwifery, birth, lactation, and womanhood.
VBAC birth stories - A podcast of Australian mothers talking about their Vaginal Birth After Caesarean stories.
Calmbirth - Conversations with evidence based maternity care workers about how to better your pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
Aware Parenting Podcast- A podcast that explores raising children with awareness and connection.
Australian Breastfeeding Podcast -This podcast is for mums to be to learn about the everyday issues surrounding feeding your baby.
Motherland- Real, raw and unbelievable stories of motherhood from ladies on the land.
Maggie Dent- Giving you tips and answers to your real-world parenting dilemmas
Beyond the Bump - A place to have real discussions and ask real questions (no matter how hard) with honest and authentic people
Evidence Based Birth - Putting current evidence based information into the hands of communities, so they can make empowered choices.
Midwife Thinking - Dr Rachel Reed. Free evidence-based information about birth for parents and anyone involved in providing maternity care or education.
Raising Children - Free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help your family grow and thrive together.
Possums online - Leaders in evidence-based support of breastfeeding, baby sleep and cry-fuss problems, and parent mood.
Australian Breastfeeding Association -Provides mothers with practical support throughout their breastfeeding journey.
Milky Business - An IBCLC who can help with virtual appointments.
LOCAL to BALLARAT (& Western Victoria)
Raphael Services - Raphael Services is part of St John of God Health Care Ballarat, supporting parents through the emotional challenges of early parenthood, so their families can thrive.
The Centre for Perinatal Health and Parenting - A multi-disciplinary day facility providing families, who require parenting support and healthcare from pregnancy through to early school years.
Eureka Osteo- Osteopaths, Physiotherapists, Chinese Medicine and pilates studio.
Ballarat Allied Health - Kristy Matthews. A Womens health Physio.
Kindred Physio - Megan Mullane. A Womens health physio.
Goldfields Health - Chiropractic care with a special interest in Women’s health.
Warrnambool Breastfeeding Centre - A place to connect to a lactation consultant, while enjoying a safe and comfortable environment to feed (bottle warming facilities available) and meet other parents.
Gen Health - Hamilton. Womens Health physio and pilates available.
Rhythm First Aid - Infant & child first aid courses. Victoria wide.
Spinning babies - Empower yourselves with our daily activities, body balancing techniques, and smart birth positions for a more comfortable, confident birth.
Core & Floor Restore - An online program to help strengthen, heal and restore your core and pelvic floor. Suitable for ALL women.
PANDA - Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia is an inspiring organisation that supports women, men and families during pregnancy and the first year of parenthood. PH. 1300 726 306
COPE - Providing support for the emotional challenges of becoming a parent.
Gidget Foundation - Supporting the emotional wellbeing of expectant and new parents to ensure they receive timely, appropriate and specialist care. PH. 1300-851-758
LIFELINE - Available 24 hours a day to listen, without judgement to any person in Australia who is feeling overwhelmed, experiencing crisis or longs to be heard. PH. 13 11 14