Birth stories.
Fiona & Nathan: Ada’s birth
We did the calmbirth course Leading up to Adeline’s birth. I had a challenging birth with my first baby being posterior, having a long labour that ended in fauceps and tearing with a botched stitching job that gave me pain for months afterwards. I was highly anxious about my second birth and was even advised by my GP to have an elective ceasar. We did the calm birth course when I was about 32 weeks and it honestly changed my life. I still practice the breathing and calming techniques in many different situations. So, here’s our story…
Rosie's four birth stories
“I decided to go to a Calmbirth class. Dragging my husband who thought it was just for 'hippies' we went to calmbirth. What we gained was invaluable to us. We not only gained a weekend full of knowledge, a safe zone to talk, & tools to help both of us get through the birth of our baby, we also gained an enormous amount of confidence that birth is normal. Birth is ok. Birth is not to be feared. Birth can be good. We can enjoy the birth. All of these things we had lost sight of following the traumatic birth of Audrey.”
Induced labour - Annie’s Calmbirth story.
I was really fortunate to first hear about Calmbirth from Rosie herself; I’ve never forgotten when she told me ‘she loved her births’. For me the notion of ‘loving’ childbirth, was a concept I had never, ever considered. Watching birth videos in year 9 during sex education was a form of contraception as opposed to a notion of ‘love’. But, I took Rosie’s word for it, and the day we found out we were pregnant I was adamant that my husband, Alister and I would invest in Rosie’s Calmbirth course.
Dear Rosemary
Rosemary my beautiful, darling girl. My daughter. The last six weeks of having you in our arms
has gone by so very quickly and yet I cannot remember how I felt before I knew you, you are
such a strong part of my life, my being, my heart.